Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Veronica Mars

I was never a Nancy Drew fan. I prefer conflict over mystery as the driving function of a story. I like conflict on a universal, apocolyptic scale, and super powers, and, well, kung fu fighting. So how do I get roped into a story about a teenaged girl who solves mysteries? Well, at least partially because it's got a definite Buffy feel to it - - skinny, smart-mouthed blonde chick taking on the world, along with her outcast friends. It's got the same snarky, witty sense of humor, especially the titular character. (Witness one exchange from season 1 - Veronica in parking lot, attempting to change a flat tire. Potential boyfriend walks up and simply asks "Flat?" Without missing a beat, her reply: "Just the way God made me.") And it's very tightly woven, with Veronica solving one mystery each week, and putting together more and more clues toward solving a larger, season-long mystery. For example, season 1 finds her trying to solve who killed her best friend, season 2 investigating a major bus crash that killed several school kids, and season 3 investigating campus-wide serial rape problem at her university.

I'm not going to go too in-depth about this show, because as much as I enjoy it, it's not my favorite. Of course, this is probably because it's really not my type of show. Mostly, it's got good characters, smart writing, well-plotted stories, and snappy humor. And that's all I have to say about that.

Next in the series: Smallville

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