Monday, January 22, 2007

I Still Don't Care

Thanks, Professor Smith, for that stunning display in redundancy. First, he sent us an email Friday for the Sentencing Seminary with him and the Dick, detailing what we'll be doing for our first class. Blah.

Then, another email? Well, the exact same one. Okay.

Then, another email. Almost the exact same one, except he didn't leave his signature. Ooh, sneaky, Mike. We know it's you.

Then today, another email, saying that apparently the email about the first class didn't make it around, so here is what that email said, word for word. Huh, yeah I must have missed that one. Perhaps the email would get around more if he stopped sending it to me so often and decided to spread the wealth.

The internets are a confusing and dangerous place, Mikey. Find yourself an Idiot's Guide, and leave me the hell alone.

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