Thursday, February 22, 2007

Snack Court

Today, as part of my requirements at LDP, I went to observe Drug Court proceedings. For those of you not familiar, Drug Court is for (usually) first-time drug offenders that, rather than getting sentenced to jail time or a fine, go through a program to get clean. It's all very positive and encouraging, everyone's talking about the progress the offender has made, and what they have to do to stay clean, and the benefits of overcoming addition, etc.

My question is, do they have anything similar for snack addicts? I know snacking is bad for me; I know I snack when I'm nervous, or bored, or breathing. I snack constantly. I try to limit myself to less unhealthy snacks (hence my struggles with animal crackers instead of, say, deep fried, cream filled donuts), or non-chocolate candy, but it doesn't make much difference -- I end up eating such a large quantity that it negates any health differential.

So where the hell is my support group?

Fuck it. I'll be right back, I'ma get me some Skittles.

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