Friday, June 09, 2006

Thus Spake the Deville

Apparently hardcore devil-worshippers just aren't what they used to be. On a local news story last night, they had footage of some satanists who had vandalized someone's property, including painting the side of their shed with demonic phrases.

The one that caught my attention: "Hail Satin!"

Now, forgive me, but if I choose to worship something thusly, I would generally like to find out how to spell it, to avoid embarassing myself and my fellow Satinists.

When reached for comment as to why Satin is king, one of the diehard followers proclaimed "He feels so silky smooth against my skin."

1 comment:

RPM said...

I always knew the the Dev would be a smooth guy, but I couldn't have guessed he was that smooth and sensuous.