Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pardon Me While I Overthrow the Government

Hot off the presses, it appears the government of Thailand has been overthrown in a military coup. The armed forces and the police combined to declare martial law in Bangkok, then proceeded to overthrow the democratically elected Prime Minister. The commander of the armed forces put out a statement, in which he succinctly told the populace what happened. Then, like any hard-bitten military commander, he apologized for any inconvenience this development may have caused the people.

Let me be the first to ask this question - - What the fuck?? Who takes over a country by force and then apologizes for any potential nuisances this little military junta may have caused?

Come on dude, you just stormed the castle and seized power. You gotta own that shit.


Johnny Utah said...

That is so weird, tune in for my own thoughts on overthrowing the government (because my parking ticket violates natural law).

RPM said...

Utah, we all know that parking tickets are an abomination before Justice, but pay your goddamn $20 fine.

Vice, I believe a little sweet-talking could do many a dictator or emperor a lot of good. Sure, overthrow is one thing, but avoiding overthrow is another.