Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And Vice Saw That it Was Good

It's been so long since I've posted about anything real-life relevant that I'm struggling to remember how. Whatever, hell with all of you. Anyway, the state of the universe lately has been pleasing to me. Examples:

Finals season - relatively stress free so far. I've had work to do, but I've taken an incremental approach and gotten things done. I've got two papers to finish by Monday, but I've got each of them 2/3 done. I've got two exams, but one of them is my Wacky Jungle Safari Exam. Who the hell knows what's going to be on there. The other is only worth 40% of my grade because we've had a couple of papers to write. (Which, after 2 1/2 yrs of law school, I find extremely helpful because it makes me engage with the material earlier in the semester. I really think the structure of having one final exam at the end of the semester worth 100% of your grade is a horrible class format - everything's riding on one four hour period and whether you can assess a problem with the limited resources you have at that time. Profs said this was to simulate the real life pressures of lawyering, which is total bullshit. Never again in my life will I face a four hour period where I have to assess three hypotheticals, all covering different areas of a legal subject, and make the best argument I can. Especially closed book - - what the fuck is that? This is the legal profession, is it not? All we do is read cases and statutes, and argue from them. Assholes. Rant closed) My last final is Dec. 18th, then I've got some free time to go lion hunting. Also, my Character and Fitness Application is almost finished, save for some speeding ticket questions. And after consulting with Mary Beth Whatsername, I've determined that I will, in fact, be graduating in May. How about that?

Next semester: For my final performance here at the U-dub, I've enrolled in Trusts and Estates (after putting it off as long as possible), Sentencing Fun with Dickey and Smith, and the Legal Defense Program. This equals out to one exam (T&E) which I can pass fail, potentially only one graded class (Sentencing) where the median grade is 90, and LDP. I'm not even going to attend T&E. I'm going to stay working part-time at my law clerk job, which pays a relatively obscene amount for what I do, and for which I recently completed my first appellate brief for the Court of Appeals (which will be promptly laughed out of court, seeing as how I had to craft all of my helpful legal authority out of make believe and duct tape). More importantly, LDP will get me back to court. Sure, I'll have to deal with clients (shiver) and being on the losing side most of the time, but I'll still look fly. I've wanted to get into Dane County's new court house for so long, I'd go in representing Dirty Filthy Stinking Hippies against America if I got to speak on the record.
Plus, more hands-on criminal experience, and more in-court experience should look good to potential employers.

Capitol One Bowl - This is straight-up insane. Let me break this down. Paid Vacation. Including Air Fare and Hotel. Over New Year's Eve. To Orlando, Florida. With Hot Chick. Paid for by Hot Chick's Mom. Pluse some extra Spending Money. To watch the Capitol One Bowl. And see the Badgers destroy Arkansas. And go to Disney World. And chill on the Beach. Where it's Sunny and Warm All the Time. Holy Crap! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am for this (So please forgive the crass description, Hot Chick :)

Law Revue: On the horizon. Had a meeting, which went pretty well. Mr. Utah has already provided a killer sketch, and another sketch provided a pretty funny riff on Weston (and y'all know how much I like to "riff" on Weston, if you know what I mean). Personally, I've had some trouble getting started on writing; loads of ideas, but little application thus far. I've got one in the pan that should be fun if it ever comes together. Until then, just the fact that this is coming up provides much to look forward to.

All of this leads me to believe I can endurethe coming cold front/global television hiatus that threatens to darken the next two months (shiver).

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