Friday, May 23, 2008

Motion Practice

As a lawyer, a lot of what I do is paperwork. As a defense attorney, a lot of what I do is filing motions. Most are just procedural necessities; others have real meaning. Some are pointless. Some are bound to fail. Some are bound to piss people off.

But there are others that I just love. Two in particular. I love the act of writing them, knowing their significance. But even more satisfying is the act of filing them. Whenever I hand one to the clerk, I just get that feeling. The clerks never realize the significance of the particular motion to me, but I kinda wish they did. I keep waiting for one who's in the know, one who looks down at it, then she's like, "For realz?" And I'm like "Fuckin' right." Then we high-five. It's awesome. Or, it's awesome for me, anyway.

So what are these motions, specifically?

1. Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of a client I like

2. Motion to Withdraw, on behalf of a client I hate

It's hard to decide which I enjoy more. All in all, I'd say number 1, but not by much.

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