Tuesday, May 13, 2008

U(nidentified) F(atass) O(bject)s

Almost forgot to mention this. As I was walking toward the Dane County Courthouse the other day, guess who I saw? To narrow it down, let's do it twenty questions style:

20. Yes, it is a human being, barely.

19. Yes, this person is male.

18. Yes, he is an attorney.

17. No, this person does not have a soul, except for the ones he stole.

16. Yes, he does leave a trail of slime behind him as he walks.

15. No, he has never met a bag of pork rinds het didn't like.

14. Yes, he has litigated many cases in federal court.

13. No, he does not like to brag about it, he just can't help it.

12. Yes, he is much better than you, and would like to thank you for acknowledging it.

11. No, he does not like kittens, except in a stew.

10. Yes, he did recently escape being chained to a lake of fire in hell.

9. No, he didn't mind it there, except for the disappointing shortage of evilness in his peers.
8. Yes, he went to "law school" at Marquette.

7. Yes, he does teach legal writing at UW.

6. No, his grading scale does not extend past an 84.

5. Yes, he does ooze bacon fat from his pores.

4. No, he will not sign autographs.

3. Yes, he does buy his hair from KMart.

2. Yes, every time he smiles, a small child dies of heart failure.

1. No, he is not the greatest trial attorney in America. He is the greatest trial attorney in the history of the galaxy.

Who is this mystery man?

If you guessed Bob Fuckin' Kasieta, you're absolutely right.

Award yourself the number of points corresponding with the point at which you guessed correctly, and may God have mercy on your souls.

1 comment:

RPM said...

14. I'm slightly disappointed in my ability to deduce, but in my defense, I've never experienced him in person