- The Iraq war has been won. Iraq will be a functioning democracy, and most of our troops will have returned to us. The few remaining divisions will only be staying behind to act as collection agencies, who spend their days counting the money that the newly democratic people of Iraq have graciously begun to donate to the United States to express their undying gratitude for bringing peace and freedom to their land.
- The international community will have convinced Iran and North Korea to abandon their nuclear aspirations. More specifically, Iran and North Korea will be convinced to abandon these aspirations by an international coalition of freedom-loving robots that will invade these nations, killing every single living person in sight, including Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. The robots that seize power and establish their respective constitutional robocracies will have no interest in developing nuclear weapons, instead setting their sights on enslaving the surrounding nations and bending them to their merciless robotic will.
- Osama bin Laden will have been captured and killed. McCain himself will lead the expedition, hunting through the caves of northern Pakistan, and will battle Osama in a fight to the death. The fight will end when McCain distracts bin Laden by pointing behind him and getting him to turn around, at which point McCain will exclaim "Yippie ky-aye, motherfucker!" and punch a hole through bin Laden's face. Luckily, these events will be captured on film, and turned into the final installment of the Die Hard franchise, entitled Die Hard 5: Die Already.
- There will still not have been a major terrorist attack on the United States since September 11, 2001. The tide will turn for good in December of 2010, when the terrorists accidentally set off a bomb in Paris. On that day, the terrorists will finally decide to change their ways after witnessing firsthand the true consequences of terrorism, when hundreds of innocent civilians are killed. Following this shocking tragedy, terrorist leaders will band together to institute a policy of pacifist terrorism only.
- Domestically, the United States economy will be seeing an unprecedented surge. All the jobs that had been lost to developing foreign countries will return through President McCain's sweeping Employment Repatriation Act of 2009. Every industry will be seeing record growth, particularly the candy manufacturing industry. Under a McCain presidency, the American people will begin constructing life-sized gingerbread houses covered in candy canes and gumdrops. They will drive licorice cars down roads made out of peanut brittle, through forests made of lollipops and over rivers filled with sugar plums and cotton candy. The impending oil crisis will be averted when a rancher discovers a massive and untapped oil reservoir beneath Jellybean Mountain, and the price of gas will plummet to 0.85 chocolate coins / gallon by 2011.
- Siberians will stop bitching about how fucking cold it is over there.
- The problems of global warming and illegal immigration will be solved simultaneously through McCain's strategic use of Giant Brick Walls around the border. These GBW's will be approximately 1.5 miles high, will surround every American border and oceanfront, and will be made out of special Mexican-resistent and greenhouse gas-resistent bricks.
- Flying cars will have finally been invented, and will be affordable enough for civilian use. Unfortunately, they will have been invented by the robots, and will only be used by the robots to fly over foreign nations and kidnap their women.
As you can see, McCain's America is a strong, successful America, on the verge of becoming a complete utopia. But the only way to make this dream a reality is to vote for John McCain. Think about it - five years from now the Iraq war will be over, almost. Osama bin Laden will be an afterthought. Americans will no longer have to worry about terrorism, oil shortages, rising gas prices, unemployment, global warming, bitching Siberians, or illegal immigration. Really, the only remaining threat will be the robots. And honestly, you can't blame John McCain for all of our robot-related problems. Sure, some stick-in-the-mud liberocrats will point out the fact that the only reason McCain will be alive in 2013 is because of his newly designed robot exoskeleton, and the fact that McCain will be the democratically elected Supreme Chancellor of Robotica.
But, I mean, come on, people. He's just one man. (Well, technically, half-man, half machine. But you get the idea.)
Vote McCain!
McCain looks into his magical, floating crystal ball.

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