Friday, May 04, 2007

1L Year, Fall Semester


- Group 7 (aka Group 14). A good group of people - young, fun, and hard-drinking. They treated me to my first drinking parties where I actually drank, and first games of quarters and beer pong. Good times.

- Cliff Thompson - Professor of Contracts, small group leader, and professional badass. This marked the first time a professor of mine had brought a dagger to class. Later, in Property, Cliff would also mark the 2nd time a professor brought a dagger to class. Occasionally he'd bust out a gem like "Not that I haven't driven drunk plenty of times before," or some ridiculously random story about Indonesia or the Sudan, which added hella flavor to the class. And he gave me my 2nd highest grade throughout law school.

- Dean's Cup - I participated in like 80 hundred events, second only to Eugene, who participated in anywhere between 10 and 400 million events. Shit, Trivial Pursuit, poker, soccer, ultimate frisbee, midget tossing, jump roping, hula hooping, horseshoes, I was all over the place. Which is probably why we lost hardcore.

- Poker - After about a month of making new friends, I stumbled upon a highly secretive and advanced society of sarcastic jackasses like myself who shared my affinity for make believe and love of all things badass. Also, the only reason I could stomach law school 1L year was going to poker to bitch about it.


- Weston. From the day I spied her weathered, sagging cleavage from high atop auditorium seating, I would be scarred for life. And my innocent commentary about said cleavage led to a running joke about my allegedly torrid love affair with said hideous old hag. Possibly the most joyous moment of first semester was the day I committed to skipping class (gasp!) to go play golf on a gorgeous afternoon. That was, for me, before skipping class became the go-to choice. And my lungs thank me for it.

- The law. Turns out, I didn't care. Weird. Prior to law school I was a total gunner - I read everything, I was engaged with the material, and I actually enjoyed it. Then, not so much. All the things that fellow students were getting excited about - jobs, extracurricular groups, learning -- I so completely didn't care. That was disappointing.

- Not having a car. I had never been stuck asking people for rides before, and I really didn't enjoy it. This led to a) awful excursions on the bus, often to the wrong places, or b) riding my bike in inclement weather. Ugh.

- Kascieta. You motherfucker. If anyone killed my ambition, my will to succeed, my will to at least make an effort, it was you. Fuck you, Bob Kascieta.

As always, feel free to point out anything I missed.

Next up: 1L Year, Spring Semester

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