Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Challenge

The challenge is as follows:

I will give $5 to anyone who, while in the middle of class discussion, gets called on to answer a serious legal question, and who boldly pronounces the answer "Chuck Norris."

I will give $10 to anyone who, while in the middle of a class discussion, VOLUNTEERS the answer "Chuck Norris" to a serious legal question.

The following example may be helpful:

In BizOrgs, Ohne was discussing a case where the court wanted to dissolve a corporation, but there was no law saying they could. Ohne asked one student "What was stopping them?" Now, I knew the answer, but at any given time and in any given class, I may not know the answer. So I decided that, if put on the spot where I was going to crash and burn anyway, I may as well offer the Good Chuck as an affirmative defense to my stupidity.

Context matters, of course. And when I say "serious legal question," I mean it. It can't be just a casual class discussion. It has to be a scenario where the CNAD (Chuck Norris Affirmative Defense) would be entirely inappropriate. It has to be the type of scenario where the CNAD would completely kill the discussion. Like a roundhouse from the Good Chuck, one might say.

Any takers?


RPM said...

Yeah, let the good Chuck solve our IBT problems.

Give me the $5 Katherine, and I'll give you a beer. Or we could split the $10 reward.

Ismael Tapia II said...

You know, this ain't shit. I told one of my profs in undergrad to go fuck himself. Now that's a challenge i'm down for.

Vice said...

This challenge isn't about taking a stand and telling a prof where to stick it. Because if I was in a discussion where the prof was antagonising me to the point where I was pissed enough to storm out, I could potentially do the same. (Although, it would take a LOT of pushing for me)

This is more of a subtle challenge. There's no righteous indignation for fuel; it's just random to the point where a prof should look at you like you've lost it entirely, and (depending on their sense of humor) might be kinda pissed.

Although, if the time you told a prof to go fuck himself was completely random, such as "Andy, tell us what Kant was saying here." And you replied "I don't know about Kant, but you can go fuck yourself."

That I would stand up and salute.