Friday, April 28, 2006

The Wrath of Chuck

Well, it appears the cows have come home to roost. Due to the failure of anyone to successfully complete the CNAD Challenge and assert "Chuck Norris" as the answer to a legitimate legal question, the good Chuck himself as decided to take punitive measures against the UW law students. As a punishment for our extreme cowardice, Chuck has paid a visit to the school, and roundhouse kicked us straight out of the space-time continuum. As a result, we will no longer have any functioning clocks in the building until further notice, or until someone mans up and gives the good Chuck his due.

I would say we should have seen this coming, but no one ever does.


Johnny Utah said...

Well the good Chuck, he giveth, but he also taketh away.

Ismael Tapia II said...


How can i answer "Chuck Norris" to a legitimate legal question when i'm not being asked any legitimate legal questions?

Do i have to do it on my exams?

Vice said...

Oh snap!

I will give $20 to anyone who answers "Chuck Norris" to an exam question worth more than 10% of the overall grade.

But more importantly, the Norri might just kick us back into the space-time continuum if someone were that bold.

RPM said...

Yes, perhaps the good Chuck is also responsible for the merciless bending of spacetime that preceded the crazy clock fiasco that he most certainly caused.

I may take up the exam Norris challenge if I don't get moving on the learning of material. If I have nothing of my brain to offer, at least I have Chuck.