Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I want to congratulate everyone on making it through another round of VD. Personally I'd prefer not to face VD again next year, but I've got a feeling that it won't go away that easily.


Ismael Tapia II said...

As an interesting, although geeky sidenote:

The Roman god of love and sex was Venus. What's the only derivation of Venus to make it into english? "Venereal." Sorta gives you something to think about.

Ismael Tapia II said...

Oh, by the way. That previous post comes courtesy of my geeky (though very cool) friend Lauren.

RPM said...

Sorry Maddog, what about venerable and variants? Etymology:

venerable 1432, from L. venerabilis, from venerari "to worship, revere" (see veneration). As a title, used in ref. to ecclesiastics or those who had obtained the first degree of canonization.

veneration c.1410, from M.Fr. veneration, from L. venerationem (nom. veneratio) "reverence," from venerari "to worship, revere," from venus (gen. veneris) "beauty, love, desire" (see Venus). Venerate (v.) is first recorded 1623, from L. veneratus, pp. of venerari.

Ismael Tapia II said...

Sorry, but i believe you're right. I have since flogged my erstwhile etymology expert friend. She, in turn, will humiliate her prof. the shame train rolls on.