Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Resolution 1: I intend to eat far fewer animal crackers today than I did yesterday.

Resolution 2: All "Hybrid entities" discussed in BizOrgs will hereby be referred to as "Mutants."


Vice said...

UPDATE: Just passed lunch, and the animal crackers resolution is not going well at all.

RPM said...

However, I know that you'll keep the mutants alive, Cole.

Just give the animal crackers you don't want to eat to Ohnesorge himself tomorrow. Consult Katherine on the details of this exchange.

Ismael Tapia II said...

lol. explain to me what this obession with animal crackers is all about. I've never been able to understand what's so amazing about animal crackers... they're not that good.

Vice said...

Well, they're tasty enough, and they're much less unhealthy than other things I could snack, like anything in the chocolate family.

Cdoll said...

Animal crackers are the shiznit. It’s just too much fun to bite off one of the animal heads. Sort of like teddy Graham cookies. I could do go for some teddy graham cookies right about now.

RPM said...

Bring it full circle into the proper family, chocolate teddy grahams. They're almost as good as the cookies in oreos.

Animal crackers have a tastiness to them, sweeter than boring crackers, but more wholesome than cookies.

RPM said...
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Vice said...

Who dares speak the name zebra cakes?!? One more zebra cakes joke at my expense, and I will kill every single person on the planet.