Monday, May 29, 2006

"Sometimes You Have to Puruse the Fa Shizzle"

That quote, uttered by the incomparable Mr. Martinez during our trip, completely and utterly failed to appropriately describe whatever he was referring to at the time. And I can no longer remember what he was referring to, not that it matters. In the spirit of this, I will give my latest movie recommendation - - go see the movie Over the Hedge. Quite possibly the cutest movie in the history of space and time to the infinity.

Also, if you haven't checked Andy's account of the Chicago trip and weekend, do it now. I don't have any other way to say this, but it was amazing from top to bottom. The ball game, the sleep number beds, the tequila lounge, the Cheesecake Factory, IKEA, Over the Hedge, Gennas, the after party, Bratfest, the Bachhuber barbeque, and....afterward. And, most importantly, the company. You know who you are :)

What can I say? Sometimes you just...yeah.


Vice said...

Yeah, yeah.... :)

So, I have been informed by reliable but appropriately crazy sources that the "Fa shizzle" in the original instance was the atlas. Still, I approve whole-heartedly with the use of "Fa shizzle" as a pronoun.

RPM said...

Fa shizzle is much better than doo-hicky or whatsitamajigger.

Atlai are the shiznit. I love plotting a course, or just staring at them in order to plot mentally.